Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Ngoma Lungundu

Areka! Areka! Areka!
The voice of the seer boomed,
From the summit of Mount Inyanga,
And smoke thundered
And the land shuddered
And lightning struck everyone into silence!

The Ngoma Lungundu has been found,
To remind people they are the forgotten children of Abraham,
Their cries have reached unto the heavens,
And the gods have sent the Ngoma Lungundu to inform them,
Their rainless decade and strife rife period is over,
Egypt is moving away and the New Canaan is on its way.

But the people have stopped believing in the gods,
Because no prophet has been found among them,
To go between them and their gods,
And they believe they are the cursed black children of Ham,
Who dared peep into his father’s nakedness,
And was destined to save as a slave,
His brothers Sham and Japheth.

The people had therefore made their own ark of the covenant,
And aptly named it the GPA,
The Government of Pirates and Associates.

But the seer told them Egypt was going away,
And Canaan was on its way,
Their manna will fall
Because the Ngoma Lungundu had been discovered,
Among the Great Zimbabwe ruins,
Their own version of Jerusalem,
Whose walls had not fallen like that of their ancestors.

But their manna was already here,
Right at the foot of the great Mount Inyanga,
On the small hills and valleys called Chiadzwa and Marange,
And everyone wondered at this type of manna,
Which instead of teeming from the sky,
Oozes from the ground like water.

And they have gone on to make their own ark of the covenant,
Aptly named GPA,
The Global Pillaging Association,
Because the gods had forgotten about them,
As they were the children of Ishmael and not Isaac.

But the seer spoke of the Ngoma Lungundu,
A reminder of the love of the gods
And the new ark of the covenant
For those chosen to live in the New Canaan
The new GPA,
God Provides for All.

Areka! Areka! Areka!
And the land reverberated,
At the voice of the seer,
Sounding the Ngoma Lungundu.

                                                                                                 Takawira Dururu Ringisai
                                                                                                 26.08.10 ©

Monday, April 12, 2010

The pain of a broken heart

It seemed secure on top of the hill,

Glaring to the world’s view.

Then the earth shook,

And the hill staggered,

And it gave in to the tremor,

Rolled down the rocky slope,

Surviving the smashes against the boulders and flying pebbles,

Until it crashed instantaneously against a protruding rock

And shattered into irreconcilable fragments that flew with the raging winds,

Leaving the well known ache.

I feel the pain,

Stinging like vinegar on a fresh wound,

Scorching the heart with negative emotion,

Drenching the mind with scarring memories of regret,

I try to focus my mind on something else,

To think of previous happy moments in my life,

But the pain stares right in my face,

And I have no choice but to face it.

                                                                                                      Takawira Dururu Ringisai

                                                                                                       Zbc newsroom